Saturday, 24 August 2013

Your Life. Your Decisions!! - A Short Story.

“Mom I scored 95% “, Diana squealed with joy. Thereafter, tears did not listen to the Matthew family and came out without warning. Diana’s cell phone did not stop beeping for one minute from that moment. Diana was overjoyed as she was not expecting so much from her Class tenth exams. And now she magically fulfilled the expectations of elders.

“Thank God Beti, your seat now stands assured at Xavier’s and Loyola College for Science (Major)”, said Mrs. Matthew. These were the two best colleges in Dharwad, a small city and a district in state of Karnataka.

Diana had always been exceptional in academics and some cultural activities and her faith was always sealed with Science being the next step after school. She lived in that age where, only those who lacked interest in studies went for streams like humanities and commerce. Her dad had always wanted her to become an engineer, as he could not become one, due to financial crisis.

It was fed into her central nervous system that she was born to be an engineer. She was also very happy with it. Then she joined college and started off well. Gradually, she started enjoying her English classes more than her first love subjects math and science. The reason being, English needed less efforts to be put in and she always scored well. She worked a lot on her ‘to- be’ engineer subjects, but in vain.

When the final results came, she somehow passed all subjects, scoring almost a 90 in English. She was happy that she cleared all subjects, while the other Matthews were devastated. “Will I be able to pass engineering?” thought Diana. But somehow her dad managed to get a seat for her in one of the colleges in Mumbai. She was scared yet happy that she could now live on her own from now on.

She excelled throughout the engineering course with flying colors. She was placed in a very good MNC. In her non working hours, Diana made some time for  her own blog, where she scribbled simple thoughts of her own. She started hosting lots of events within her company. She loved her job as it gave scope for her hobbies to be taken care of.

“I will work here forever Mom, even if they give less hikes”, she told her mom one evening over a telephonic conversation. But parental pressure had not come to an end for Diana after she became an engineer. Her mom said “look for higher technical studies, and look for better opportunities in other MNC’s”. She just said, “O.K. Mom” as she was too tired to be a part of any argument.

“Should not have done engineering”, Diana told herself, feeling very annoyed. She hated the idea to study any more, but she could not tell her parents all this. Life was a cakewalk for her in the current company. But the same life had other plans for her.

Once during a mid-year project assignment, she had represented her company in order to visit some clients, who were located in the beautiful state of Gujarat. Everything was good until some of the senior members were unnecessarily rude to her. Those guys made a huge crisis out of nothing, and Diana felt very insulted. “There are others who can handle clients in a much better way than you”, said one guy, who accompanied her. She blamed herself thinking she might have gone wrong somewhere and hence such reactions.
This feeling left her so broken that she needed external consultation to recover from the situation. Finally, she left her job. This was her first failure in life. She decided she will not work with any company but become a content writer, while working from home. She gave that up soon as she earned peanuts compared to her MNC job.
She spent the next three months sometimes doing nothing, sometimes wondering what to do, and sometimes searching for jobs. Finally she settled for a sales job in a small private venture. She thought this was her escape route from the root called “Engineering”.

But within three months she started cribbing about her company because of wee hour work timings and she got bored of the same schedule. She kept searching for other jobs, again with the feeling of being nowhere.
Then she found another job where she was hired for her engineering skills and experience, but later was moved into the Human Resources department. Finally she was happy. But was she really happy? Yes and No. Yes, because she earned good money. No, because she had not still found out what was her dream. What was ‘that’ she wanted herself to become?

She knew within her heart, she had a flair for writing. But was it enough? She continued to write her blog which earned quite a lot of fans.  But she knew, her subconscious dreams told her she should attempt writing no matter what. She never told her parents about this. Now Miss Diana is busy designing first few pages of her novel, while also doing her daily desk job.

Let’s all await her first novel to get published. Then we can also paste her success story someday, if at all it is successful. We do not know how her parents will react. But this brave girl has finally taken her own decisions.

The message that I have for all young minds:
  • ·         It’s never too late to realize your dreams.
  • ·         Time has changed; we can have multiple talents and hence try our hands at multiple professions too.
  • ·         Take calculated risks in life.
  • ·         You can never to be too busy to do things which you love.
  • ·         Failure is always a stepping stone, it make you a stronger person.

P.S – awaiting feedback guys, this might decide if I can really realize my dream!! J

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

It isn't going to be fairytale - Guest Post by Sunakshi.

Let's face it that the problem is that most of the women want a hero, The prince charming installed with the perfection.No matter how much you deny but it is true.As we grew up listening to fairy tales the prince charming, The saviour, The super hero has to be there to bring perfect ending.The problem is that the men are just as ordinary as women are.the illusion of relating the love life expectations to real ones somewhere brings a tremendous burden on men.In the life of every person, there is at least one person with whom we make a very deep connection. The connection at times is too deep, beyond our greatest and wildest dreams.Women are somewhere wired with the expectation of magic, absolute madness, the courageous person
having looks of Brad Pitt.

Who is this saviour? Why so much obsession and fascination with the fantasy drama?Isn't it better to keep it in stories itself and create your own instead?Men are ordinary human being, The ones who are struggling to fulfill their aspirations, trying their best to make their life stable in every possible manner and meanwhile looking for love.You make him laugh and he makes you laugh.You share your stories and he share his.You follow your dreams and he follow his.You experience life through him and share the hazy mornings, eventful mornings and nights.You both follow your own philosophies.Sometimes you both agree and sometimes you don't.Everything which builds the life worth living.It is okay that someone doesn't always fulfill your expectations.Desires can create a mess.The illusion which is formulated doesn't exist at all and you end up obsessing over it by default which is heartbreaking.No matter how perfect you would expect them to be, at some point or another, they will say something that you weren't expecting them to say, they will do something that, at the time, would be terribly disappointing, and they will sometimes be harsh and mean.Some things really aren't in our control. It is okay when someone you really love flips out on you or behaves a little irrationally.

Let's say it in Meredith Grey's words, love is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It is like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dream. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that its happy right now.It is most important to notice that they are trying.It doesn't matter that they slip.What matters the most is that they atleast try not to slip. They should also be given the room to be a little mean, and a little rude, and a little harsh, because they are after all, just like you. They also deserve a break. They can also break into a tantrum, and that is quite alright. Reality is what you allow it to be. Reality is what you choose to accept it to be.We tend to overlook things we shouldn't and look over things we needn't. Wouldn't it be better if the expectations are withdrawn and they're allowed to be themselves where you could carve out the extra ordinary out of him?Their care and their actions to prove the same isn't the best thing which is sole evidence of the fact that you are going to be his soul mate always.Life is never as complicated as we, ourselves make it.After all what will bring smile home isn't going to be diamond ring but it will be the extra work he spent in office to save little extra for it.what you really need to remember and cherish is the thought, and the effort, and the fact that they are with you.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Why can't he keep his promises ? Guest Post by Sunakshi :)

She became permeable when she allowed him to enter in her heart and he consumed her more than what she was willing relinquish.Days passed, The scenerio continued.He came home on saturday night after his one month tour and found a note.A note telling that she had left.For next few days he stayed at home, thought of moment to pinpoint when he could look back at that moment and say, this is it.This is when it happened.That was the life-altering moment. But, sadly there was no moment which defined falling out love for her.Rather it was in a series of little things.She had given warnings before but he ignored.It was when he always chose an easy way out.It was when he decided not to deal with the  issues.It was when he took her for granted.It was when she made him his favorite dish and he ordered from outside.It was when he came home drunk on the anniversary night while she waited dressed up like they are meeting for the first time.It was when he started complaining about her habits he didn't like which he used to ignore.It was when the office work was more important than her appointment with doctor.It was when she celebrated her birthday alone because he had to attend his friend's bachelor party.It was when he started telling lies for the other girls.It was when he craved for someone more beautiful.It was when she was coughing, or with an excruciatingly painful migraine he left because he had a date.The patterns which he drew for himself misleaded him, Engulfed him in such a manner that there was no path left for returning.The promises which he once made to tie up the two souls into one, He slowly and steadily cut it all.He kept pushing the limits and crossing the boundaries.Now When she is gone and the million questions wander in the empty house, It makes him guilty.Guilty for the things he shouldn't have done.Guilty for forgetting all the promises he weaved with the trust she had in him.In beginning it was merely by chance which he covered from apologies but later it became a habit for which he didn't feel need to justify.

When two people are deeply in love, they promise each other the moon and the stars, but once the veil of adoration starts to lift itself, this love can become a sad,toxic version of itself.It is more like the music and its swirl of magic. Lyrics so perfect, skin breaks into goosebumps. Just when you're giving in to the slow soothing melody, the hard rock beats kicks in. Your head swirls into a mad frenzy, swing, passionate, Acoustics levels And finally the beats knock in, exploding a shimmer of joy inside you. An overwhelmed spell is cast. Ecstasy opens its wings wide and makes you fly and then after sometime the intoxicating trance of mirth engulfs you and you're left with wanting always more.

Perhaps its all because of the choices that life offers.It is strange how time changes you, your priorities, preferences and people you care about.Sometimes sorry can make it all.It's that magic word that make all the wrongs right.It gives chances to start the new beginning, Chances to make life better in some way or another.But sometimes when it goes beyond limit, Even sorry fail to mend the pieces of broken trust.Men is creation of needs and when he gets better, he tends to look for best possible things. It is seldom the mistake but the repetitiveness of the same mistake that raises the concern.At the end of the day words play an important role, If there is something promised to be done, Take a note that it possess the faith which could be bad if not kept.

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