Monday, 27 November 2017

I Wonder

Sometime I wonder,
Why not give U and I, a chance?
Why not play the song and the dance?

But I am afraid,
What if I am scarred?
What if I am again, bard?
Like the many times before.

I am scared of being hurt,
So as to, I have made it an art,
I have recouped the untold span,
I have been stung, but I ran.

So I wonder,yet again
If we gave us a chance,
Will I be able to live in the nuance?

But for now, let us be we,
Because we do not know what is destined to be,
Whatsoever it be,
I just wish U & I be happy.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

My Crazy

We are good at happy,
We are great at lazy,
But, what if ,there comes a hazy?

We ace the smart,
We succumb to art,
But what if we unearth?

We have seen the high,
The lows have nevermore nigh,
And that, we are wry,
Yet,can we deny?

O My Crazy,
How I wish life was that easy,
Where we could walk by evenings,
That were ever breezy.
How I wish the rains would only bring joy,
And nix would ever usher coy.

May be it was meant to be , may be it was not.
But I feel a tinge of joy when I vibe, It's you I got.

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