Monday, 18 February 2019

16 Again

Isn't it amazing?
How an evening date 
Turns a lad 
Into a gallant gentleman?

Isn't the expression,
When they ask,
'But,Why Not?' 

Isn't it awe-inspiring?
How every time 
they are asked,
'What you up to?'
They inquisitively rejoinder
'So, what's the plan?'

Isn't it chivalrous?
In ways how,with a single
They want to check in on you.

Isn't it also endearing?
That they do not
While pestering to
Do the walk again. 

With all the 'hoodie' charisma,
In the air,
The heart whispers,
'Let's turn 16 again'.

Friday, 8 February 2019


Let's play a game,
And call it
The one where,
We pretend to be inquisitive.
But truly what we want is,
To choose for one another.

Let's play a game,
And call it
Teen 'Agers'.
The one where,
We are high on life
We say a 'forever yes' to each other.
Let's play a game,
And call it
The one where,
We hide the candor,
Saying a 'Yes' to self
And a definite 'No' to one another.

Let's play a game,
And call it
The one where,
You and I cast,
As each other's favorites
And remain so
For many lifetimes together.

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