Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Being the Hills

With the clouds playing
Hide and seek every other day
I try to brave it out with a smile.
Sometimes torrential rains for days 
And sometimes a heated dry patch
I strive to keep up my lush greens.  
P.C: Self clicked
 Location: Utah, USA  

I have got to sing my hymn
Before the sunrise
Even if I am snow clad.
I love to see the birds fly
At Sunset, even if I am bare and brown. 

I have learnt
It is only a matter of time,
There is no point 
To bring in the whine.
The bitter days come 
Only to cater in the good. 

Therefore! my friend,
In this mountain of life
Thrills are an absolute willy-nilly
So that the excitement lingers on.
My advice to you is to strive on
And wade through
Remember! the tiniest of crusades 
Lead us onto the finest things.

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