Thursday 6 January 2022

The Dining Table

Do you think that table misses us?

The one where we sat for hours,

Sharing thoughts ,

While passing around joy along with Uno cards.

The one which let us enjoy each meal in peace.

The one where we binged watched a great deal of shows,

Image: Decor from my wedding
And where the delight never seemed to cease.

The one which witnessed many night long parties,
Along with breakup stories.

The one on top of which we made love,
Defying the rules of the house ;)

I do think this table became my home of some kind,
And I would be lying if I say I don't miss it. 

So here I am! 
Whispering a small prayer of gratitude tonight,
Hoping that table is creating new memories,
While being reminiscent of old ones.


  1. Awesome as always, touched the heart ❤️

  2. Wow Sabreen ba amazing 😘🤗

  3. Very well written and only you can appreciate and put into words every small thing or a even a complex emotion.

  4. Very creative n unique 😍Sabreen ba

  5. Writing is truly captivating! 'The Dining Table' beautifully brought back memories and made me reflect on shared moments we often overlook. The way you have woven emotions into each line is so heartfelt. Its a wonderful piece that captures essence of togetherness and the significance of shared spaces. Loved it!)

    1. Thanks so much Hemanth. Appreciate it!


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