Monday, 15 October 2012

 Love Is: growing something amazing!!

I've heard heartwarming stories about 'love at first sight' and I would not dare to suggest it isn't possible, but I believe largely love is something that is nurtured, cared for and grown over a shared life-time.

Learning how to understand someone and communicate with them effectively is just one step towards creating a truly unique and lasting relationship. Being able to grow together through even the  most painfully trying times (when you really just want to walk away) can result in a depth of understanding and passion that no-one else can touch.

I look at my parents, who celebrate their 26th wedding anniversary this month, and I can begin to appreciate the true value and respect that is cultivated through a relationship that has grown over many years of hard decisions and difficult moments. Yet despite that, it is a relationship tempered with an immeasurable love and pure joy that inspires me to be a better parent and a better person. I am very lucky to have them as my role models, and I am grateful for it every day.

Love, like so many things in life, requires patience and daily care - but no reward is greater or more deeply cherished.


  1. Wonderful Sabreen!! I can see true feelings pouring out and I myself feel dat I should get chance to feel same about love like you did...You really out-poured everything :)

  2. Nice one Sabreen! :)


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