Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Being the Hills

With the clouds playing
Hide and seek every other day
I try to brave it out with a smile.
Sometimes torrential rains for days 
And sometimes a heated dry patch
I strive to keep up my lush greens.  
P.C: Self clicked
 Location: Utah, USA  

I have got to sing my hymn
Before the sunrise
Even if I am snow clad.
I love to see the birds fly
At Sunset, even if I am bare and brown. 

I have learnt
It is only a matter of time,
There is no point 
To bring in the whine.
The bitter days come 
Only to cater in the good. 

Therefore! my friend,
In this mountain of life
Thrills are an absolute willy-nilly
So that the excitement lingers on.
My advice to you is to strive on
And wade through
Remember! the tiniest of crusades 
Lead us onto the finest things.

Friday, 28 October 2022

Dear Monday

Thank you for being challenging,
I was able to realize my true potential today.

I do relate, when people say
Monday blues
But today, I perceived all the colors
Mostly red, because I felt like a firefighter,
At times yellow, as some made me feel really mellow,
At the end green,because it was fulfilling.

Hurrah for the rain and clouds
Without which I would be in doubt
Gratitude for being able swim through              
Now I know, that I actually grew.     

So here I am!
Ready to pin the tasks to the wall,
Put those daffodils in the vase,
Get my coffee mug filled,
Zooming onto another work day!

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Dear Shoulders,

You love that close hug

And also the warm rug
                             You take the world on                            

                            But you rarely shrug!                            

Sometimes quite uptight

But always ready for the fight

Thank you for taking the load up there

And never showing how much you actually bear!

I promise to

Flex it up

And take you to the spa,

So that, both you and I

Can chill, up to the last hurrah!

Friday, 17 June 2022

Earliest Memory Of Grandma: An Ode

She would wake up early

To get the household ready                                        

Tidy and prompt was her way

Any other means would definitely mean a  nay!

I vividly remember the balcony sessions

That transpired during summer evenings.

She called them 'family time'

In her unspoken way.

She would gather the kids

Talk to them about fireflies

And also that old tree in her village,

Which she believed housed a giant witch!

Sometimes angry

Most times good-humored

I recall her as a genuine beauty

She loved to knit sweaters

And adored the red peppers

That were part of her kitchen garden.

For all the time you

Lovingly picked me up 

And held me close.

I would like to say, 

Thank you, Grandma!

You will always remain 

An integral part of my heart.

Thursday, 9 June 2022

I am 'Tea'

I bring calm

Bundled with some warmth                                        

For your palm.                                                                                               

I bring taste

And Yes! you can even

Use my bio-waste.

I swirl and steep

For you my peep

You cannot deny that I make you sometimes

Write too deep

And I am always meant to be a keep.

At most times, it gets pretty hot in here,

However, I would like to know

How are you feeling over there?

I come in yellow,

To take away your mellow.

Also, in green

To tone down your inner scream.

I go very well with or without cream

Some of you even label my presence, as Supreme.

I hate to get spilled over

Coffee is my mate , You ask?

Oh! that is almost a never.

I just hope to make you smile 

And get you some dreams happy and wild!

P.S: Dedicated to all tea lovers!

Thursday, 14 April 2022

The Tree Diary

An Excerpt



My name is kid tree. Some people also refer to me as the branch.
Well, I bear a lot of green buddies at this time of the year. It’s my favorite season-spring after all. I think you know my greeny buddies as 'leaves'.
I hate rainy days, but my dad tells me we need a lot of rains to survive. I don't think I understand that yet. I am fond of the wind though; I swear I love swaying along.



I know some of my friends found a home in your backyard. I talk to them sometimes - it’s called tree telepathy , if you are wondering, how!
My family resides by the lake, and I love that. I would not change a thing but would request mother nature to tone down the storms a bit.  Getting wet and dancing around together doesn't work for me too much.


I think I like the shedding season as well. Mom told me it teaches us to forgive and forget. Do you guys move on easily as well? I would love to know.
Well, that's all for now. Need to get to dinner now.
See you another day on another page :)

Signing Off

-Kid Tree

Monday, 4 April 2022


 She was a star in her own eyes,

 The world thought of her as different.

 Although, she loved the attention,                                           

 She still craved some more drama.

 She had big dreams and bigger brain power.

 She wanted to drive the world,

 But missed having any influential acquaintances.

 She started young,

 Following her dad's footsteps.

 She moved fast and upwards always,

 Towards the tricks of the trade.

 To some she was inconvenience,

 To some, a friend

 Did she actually like the peace?

 Or was she enjoying the futuristic riot?

 She could be iconic, one would add

 Only sometimes, turning into a complete ball of mess.

 It was arduous for the world to figure her out,

 Some said 'the spoilt one'

 Some called her 'the heiress'

 Others said she was frenzied,

 But to us, she was interim madness!

 We would love to wait,

 For the real name to pop,

 Until she made it big,

 Or to gaze into,

 Whether she took the drop.

P.S- Inspired by 'Inventing Anna'

Friday, 25 February 2022

The New Moon

Sharp like a sword,
Calm like a statue,
Shining like a star,
Here I am,
Ready to face the dark again!
Image Credit: krarte

I know some of you wait,
For me with bated breath,
And some of you, don't care.
But I have dim battles to fight,
So that some of us can, rise and shine bright.

Some days I take your darkness away,
Sometimes you take mine,
With that everlasting smile.
It sure is, a give and take bond my friend.

Although! I do not like to whine,
Do you know that I cannot go to bed at nine?
So, how about we share some wine?
While we talk about a world divine?

Tomorrow, I shall be brighter and bigger
May be then I am meant to go,
On your Twitter :D

Here I go again,
Your so-called night guardian.
Starting off sleek,
Trying to reach the peak.
Usually they call me,
The new moon!

Monday, 17 January 2022

Evening Walks

 With birds feeding on the newly sown seeds,
 And squirrels hopping around to find nuts, 
 I dance away in my mind,                                   
 To the loud tunes that buzz in my ears,
 Thinking about things,far and near.

 Oh! What an evening walk this is,
 Where I count my blessings,
 Along with my daily steps.
 Where my creativity,
 Gets a boost,
 And where everything else is on snooze!

 When the sun is shining bright and wide,
 This almost feels like a joy ride.
 So this one is to many more such walks,
 And much more mind talks!

Image Courtesy:

P.S:  inspired by and written during one of my evening walks:)

Thursday, 6 January 2022

The Dining Table

Do you think that table misses us?

The one where we sat for hours,

Sharing thoughts ,

While passing around joy along with Uno cards.

The one which let us enjoy each meal in peace.

The one where we binged watched a great deal of shows,

Image: Decor from my wedding
And where the delight never seemed to cease.

The one which witnessed many night long parties,
Along with breakup stories.

The one on top of which we made love,
Defying the rules of the house ;)

I do think this table became my home of some kind,
And I would be lying if I say I don't miss it. 

So here I am! 
Whispering a small prayer of gratitude tonight,
Hoping that table is creating new memories,
While being reminiscent of old ones.

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Evening Walks

  With birds feeding on the newly sown seeds,  And squirrels hopping around to find nuts,    I dance away in my mind,                ...

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